Seed industry consolidation has lead to less choice and higher prices for farmers, less crop innovation by researchers, and more restrictions on how seed is used by independent breeders. This limitation on the diversity of seed in our landscapes and marketplace weakens our food security.
Large corporations have patented the genetic sequence of GMO seeds as intellectual property, which enables these seeds to be owned, sold, controlled, and legally protected by a corporation.
These same corporations have focused the majority of their efforts on corn, soy, canola, and sugar from sugar beet, since these crops are used in almost 90% of processed food for humans, and in 100% of the grain fed to (non-organic) animals raised for meat.
When seeds are considered intellectual property, farmers are no longer able to collect, store, and replant their own seeds the next year. Instead they must re-purchase both the seed and the associated chemicals that the seeds are genetically designed for.
Seed diversity is at risk. Four massive corporations now dominate the global commercial seed (and pesticides) market, giving these four corporations ultimate power over our food.
Agro-biodiversity is critical for ensuring a resilient and sustainable food system. At a time of climate crisis, there has never been greater urgency to re-build global seed diversity.

Save Seeds! Saving seeds is a revolutionary act. It can help build and feed communities, and helps preserve seeds varieties and biodiversity for all generations to come.
Grow a garden with lots of organic veggies. If you are living in an apartment or don’t have access to land, try planters in window sills, or volunteering in a co-op or community garden where you can get a share in everything that is grown.
Join Seed Exchange for local sources of seeds.
Buy organic food and produce when possible, and support local organic farmers that are moving away from pesticide use.
Check out our Kids Right to Know garden on social media for inspiration, and contact us for tips on starting your own.